This Week In 🏀 can only zoom through this particular TWIB compilation because there's so much going on in #thisleague at the minute
We do have some 2024-25 predictions to offer up, though!
Monday was Deadline Day for a group of 19 first-round picks from 2021 who were still eligible for rookie-scale contract extensions. Six of the 19 landed new deals.
Tuesday is Opening Night for the NBA's 79th season and, provided I can get back on schedule, should feature 4,000 or so words of fresh Power Rankings stylings and commentary from The Committee (of One) to herald the return of Games That Count.
So …
We did not have the capacity to run a full-fledged This Week In Basketball compilation. It was simply too chaotic around here, starting with the around-the-league Sunday notebook we've enclosed and the reporting that led to the breakage of multiple significant signings, to put together a proper TWIB assemblage.

Yet we can certainly tease the Tuesday night chat session we have planned to coincide with Knicks at Celtics and Timberwolves at Lakers. Sign up for my Substack Chat Room and please join us!
I'm enclosing a smattering of quick-hitter predictions for the season ahead.