You say “if” clutch points decide who wins the clutch player award. Is there some other stat or qualification that could decide it?

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I have no idea how or what people plan to vote on this award. It's new so there's no history to draw from. "Clutch" has always been a difficult thing to gauge.

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I'm not on Twitter, so I'll continue to subscribe to the Line because I know I'll get my NBA news straight from a reliable source. Thanks Marc.

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What is the market price for a provable human identity? (Not a fake or a bot.) If Twitter follows through, I think we’ll find out - because Marc’s fans will follow him. Someone else will figure out how to aggregate the attention, maybe even the NBA.

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Come over to Mastodon! We are starved for a good NBA presence over there!

Actually, that’s why there isn’t one... because there isn’t one. No momentum, no built in audience. But you could be the leader!

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I prefer Substack Chat!

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Twitter is where everyone in the NBA looks first. Don’t think that will change any time soon.

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I second Jeremy. I’m on Mastodon and only check NBA Twitter. I believe there are tools to have your Mastodon account mirror what you post to Twitter so in theory it shouldn’t be much additional effort. Every new platform is an opportunity for new stars to be born...

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Nope! But... come on... don’t you want to be where everyone checks last? (“everyone” = a few people)

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I'm not a gambler but I lay down a metaphoric $20 on the prop bet that the Clutch trophy won't go to any of the players who are #1 in any kind of clutch stat.

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Instagram's new paid verified check requires verification by drivers license. I'm not on Twitter so I don't know if it's the same there.

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Driver's license? Wow. That seems like a lot.

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