Good timing on your "injuries suck" column since we're at yet another international break for soccer whereupon at least two of my beloved Spurs will return with injuries. While I get that money rules in both sports, we just can't keep running these guys into the ground.

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I'm sure you've seen the talk among various top soccer players that they want to go on strike in response to the overwhelming crush of games they face. Plus they have an off-season WAY shorter than the NBA's.

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Yeah, it will be interesting to see if and how they organize. Hope they do!

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In hindsight, perhaps the name "Tuesday Newsletter" added unnecessary pressure 🤣.

An yes, Reggie Jackson will forever be Mr. October!

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This is probably way way WAY Inside Baseball for anyone but me ... but the reason it is the Tuesday Newsletter Extravaganza is because my newsletter always ran on Tuesdays at the NYT and I never had a newsletter before the NYT. So when I made the decision to move to Substack I made a promise to myself that the Tuesday edition HAD to keep going out on Tuesdays (and stay free to the world) like it had always been at the NYT. You're right: The pressure is totally self-imposed. I have to learn to accept that life gets crazy sometimes and on rare occasions it can't run on Tuesday because circumstances intervene. Doesn't mean I have to like it though!

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